Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Chipotle Marinade — Medical Weight Loss Clinic

Suitable for all Freedom and FastTrack meal plans Ingredients:2 tsp. Chipotle Peppers½ tsp. Ground Cumin½ tsp. Onion Powder½ tsp. Garlic Powder¼ tsp. Black pepper1 Tbsp Lime juice, freshly squeezed  Preparation:Combine marinade ingredients and your protein or vegetables of choice in a re-sealable plastic bag or large bowl and plastic wrap. Refrigerate to keep it safe from contamination for as little as 30

Lemon Cake — Medical Weight Loss Clinic

Servings:3 Nutritional Supplements for Freedom meal plans2 Nutritional Supplements, 1 Other Option for FastTrack meal plans Suitable for all Freedom and FastTrack meal plans Ingredients:1 MWLC Pancake Nutritional Supplement1 MWLC Tangy Lemon Pudding Nutritional Supplement1 MWLC Vanilla Pudding Shake Nutritional SupplementUnflavored Non-Stick Cooking Spray12 oz. Water Preparation:Batter:   Spray the bottom of a small baking dish

Natural DIY Hair Spray

Conventional hair spray is one of the worst offenders when it comes to toxins in beauty products. It typically has aerosol, PFAS, VOCs and more. More companies are making safe alternatives, but I’ve discovered a way to make my own. This DIY hair spray is simple and really works! This natural alternative is easy to

Toasted Egg Breakfast Sandwich — Medical Weight Loss Clinic

Servings:1 Nutritional Supplement*Refer to Individual Meal Plan for Protein Count* Suitable for all Freedom and Fast Track meal plans Ingredients:1 MWLC Pancake Nutritional Supplement½ cup Water½ tsp Vanilla Extract½ packet of Splenda (optional)Unflavored Non-Stick Cooking Spray1 Egg½ tsp fresh herbs or Mrs. Dash Blend of choice Preparation:Combine MWLC Pancake Nutritional Supplement using ½ cup water,

Master your next grocery store visit with tips from Medical Weight Loss Clinic — Medical Weight Loss Clinic

Sharon Barksdale, manager at the Southfield location of Medical Weight Loss Clinic, understands how important shopping truly is for patients. She and her staff work hard to help patients prepare for success. Since all Medical Weight Loss Clinic programs rely on cooking real food and preparing ingredients in advance, that trip to the grocery store
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