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Tangy Greek Salad Dressing Recipe

Once upon a time in Belgium, I went to an amazing Greek restaurant. What does that have to do with salad dressing you may ask? I’m a firm believer in the power of smells and tastes to solidify memories. Whenever I eat Greek food, I remember that delicious Greek restaurant and the good times I

Why Saliva is So Important

I’m sure by now you’ve heard me talk about the importance of remineralizing teeth. But what you may not know is how important saliva is to this process. First though, what really is saliva and what does it do? The smell of your favorite food, accidentally biting your tongue, and eating are a few things

Healthy Balsamic Vinaigrette Recipe

Salad dressings are a great thing to start making yourself. Not only will you save money, but the flavor is so much better with fresh ingredients. Even better, you can avoid vegetable oils and other additives from store-bought dressing. This balsamic vinaigrette is one of my favorite homemade salad dressings. It’s incredibly easy to make

Are Oxalates A Problem or No Big Deal?

There’s no shortage of nutritional advice out there, and many experts tell us entire food groups are bad. Vegans advise against animal products, while carnivore followers warn against grains and legumes. Yet, leafy greens seem to be universally praised. When it comes to greens, the more you eat, the better off you are, right? Not
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